2023 Impact Report
The Power of US

A Message
from the
and Board

Janet Murguía
President and Chief Executive Officer

Luis Granados
Board Chair
We are excited to present UnidosUS’s Impact Report for 2023, a year marked by notable achievements. Thanks to your support, we and our partners built upon our 55-year legacy of impact and secured victories that have far-reaching impacts on the Latino community and beyond. It was a year that truly captured the resounding Power of US!
In the face of a challenging Congressional environment, we navigated the complexities of advocacy and policymaking, achieving significant milestones. One important win was our successful advocacy for the inclusion of DACA recipients in accessing private insurance, CHIP, and Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Additionally, we helped to ensure the much-needed extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for hundreds of thousands of immigrants, enabling them to live and work legally in the U.S.
Our continuing leadership led to historic gains in Latino influence at the highest levels of government. Through our work in the Proyecto 20% coalition, we worked on both the nominations and confirmations of three Latina leaders to pivotal posts within the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (the first ever Hispanic to serve on that consequential body), Federal Communications Commission, and Department of Agriculture. Additionally, we convened the first Treasury Department summit dedicated to advancing economic opportunities for Latinos. And UnidosUS was the only Hispanic organization invited to participate in the inaugural Senate AI Summit, where we engaged with industry leaders to shape the future of technology.
Together, we continue to chart a course towards a brighter future for all.
Looking ahead, our commitment to transformative initiatives remains unwavering. Our HOME initiative, aimed at creating four million new Latino homeowners by 2030, will continue to leverage our more than 25 years of experience operating one of the largest HUD-certified housing counseling networks, with nearly 50 housing counseling agencies in 27 states and a national call center. As we look to 2024, we will redouble our efforts to grow Latino political power and agency by establishing an accurate understanding of the Hispanic electorate. We will do this through more accurate polling of Latino voters nationally and in states; advocacy on the issues that matter to our community; and direct nonpartisan community engagement to get out the vote.
This report not only reflects on our achievements in 2023 but also points to the work ahead to grow wealth, foster health, and build political power for Latinos in 2024 and beyond. None of this would be possible without your unwavering support and dedication to our shared goals. Together, we continue to chart a course towards a brighter future for all.
Thank you, and adelante.
2023 Moments of Impact
Download the 2023 Impact Graphic

¡Mil gracias!
UnidosUS relies on generous contributions from corporations, foundations, institutional partners, and individuals like you. We simply could not do the important work outlined in this report without you.
We are also deeply grateful to our Affiliates, staff, and board volunteers who move our mission forward every day.
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Your contribution will help fund our work by supporting policies and projects that impact the Hispanic community.
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